31 January 2006

Episode 012

Earth-2.net: The Show 012
By: The Syndicate
Length: 1:19:29
Size: 36.3 MB

The last two episodes of Teen Titans have finally aired, and, as good as they were, they really didn't feel like a proper finale. Also, episode 100 of Smallville aired this past week, and someone very close to Clark has died. And you better believe we have something to say about this! Lastly, we reveal the winner of January's trivia contest.

27 January 2006

Fraggle poll

For some strange reason the forums went down Wednesday, and several threads / posts disappeared because the back-up was a few days old.

That said, one of the doomed threads was the poll to determine the best Fraggle. It's back up, but needs your votes. So vote!

Smallville, the 100th episode

Along with the Teen Titans finale, we'll also be discussing the 100th episode of Smallville. If you saw it and want to voice your opinion, get your comments in now!

24 January 2006

Teen Titans

We're going to focus, in part, on the last two episode of Teen Titans in the next episode. So, if you've seen them and care to comment, send us an e-mail or leave a message on the voicemail line for inclusion on the show.

Episode 011 is up

Earth-2.net: The Show 011
By: The Syndicate
Length: 1:02:02
Size: 28.4 MB

Though our hopes for Red Eye were quite high, the movie fell flat thanks to Lisa's unbelievably heroic actions. Conversely, we didn't know what to expect when we bought Equilibrium, which blew us away! And James returns with another Animazing Segment.

17 January 2006

Episode 010 is up

Earth-2.net: The Show 010
By: The Syndicate
Length: 1:02:09
Size: 28.4 MB

Though Gravity: Big City Super Hero and Runaways: Pride & Joy are both worth purchasing, we felt the former is a notch above the much-hyped latter. And Scott Tibbs chimes in with his take on local politics and the continued assault on video games.

10 January 2006

Episode 009 is up

Earth-2.net: The Show 009
By: The Syndicate
Length: 1:05:20
Size: 29.9 MB

We're back from vacation and ready to get behind the microphone again. This time around we discuss our new sponsors, DCBS and InStockTrades. Along those same lines, Mike's first monthly order from DCBS arrived. Wolf Creek is up for review, and Cash's This Month in Horror returns for its January installment.

09 January 2006

Forums hacked!

The title says it all. The forums have been hacked, and it looks like all members, threads, forums, etc. were erased. The problem is being looked into, and will hopefully be fixed soon.

08 January 2006

That's a lot of comics!

Since we've returned from our trip I've read nine individual comics, Lex Luthor: Man of Steel, Runaways (vol. 1) and The Walking Dead Omnibus (vol. 1). In total that's 44 comic books. And I'm one issue into the Livewires digest. So make it 45. That's 45 comic books in just over 48 hours. (And that doesn't count the seven others I've skimmed; Jew Gangster, which I bought and read while on the trip; and the four Teen Titans trades I read before we left for Florida over a week ago.)

I haven't consumed this many comics since I sat down and plowed through every issue of Nightwing about three years ago. And Robin before that.

Little did I realize I was this starved for comics.

Shortly I plan to read the entire Brian Michael Bendis / Alex Maleev Daredevil run. To do that, however, I'll have to venture all over town (and maybe even eBay) in search of a few scattered issues. Somehow I missed a few throughout the years, and now it's going to bite me in the ass as I try to read the breadth of this scoping story.

There are other runs I plan on doing this with as well. Namely X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate X-Men, The Ultimates 2 (once the one-volume hardcover edition is released), Alias (once the omnibus is released in March), Bone (the one-volume edition), Blankets, Infinite Crisis (upon release of the trade), House of M (again, waiting for the trade) and several others.

It's like overeating at a buffet; you know you've consumed way too much in too short a period, but you just don't feel full. So you keep going back for more. But is that such a bad thing when it comes to comic books?

07 January 2006

We're back!

Well, we've seen Wolf Creek and plan to catch Hostel this afternoon (or evening), so those should make for great topics. (Especially considering we'll run Cash's second This Month in Horror segment.) Sadly, we still haven't seen King Kong.

I also received my first monthly order from DCBS, so I'll talk about that. Also on the DCBS front: several awesome trades and hardcovers will soon be released, and I'd be remiss if I neglected to mention those. Start saving your pennies!

And a huge announcement concerning the monthly trivia contest will be made. HUGE!

Oh. I'm feeling really sick, so this episode might be a tad short. We'll see.